2024 has seen an explosion in AI-powered tools and services, some genuinely helpful, others simply bandwagon jumping. It is clear that, with or without AI, the things designers and developers find most useful haven’t fundamentally changed: good quality design resources… Continue Reading →
In the early 2000s, the internet was undergoing a massive transformation. Websites were no longer static, text-heavy pages but were becoming immersive digital experiences. At the forefront of this revolution stood 2Advanced Studios, a name synonymous with cutting-edge web design… Continue Reading →
Welcome to November’s new sites collection. Minimalism continues to be a dominant trend among well designed websites, but it is clear that minimal does not mean visually dull. Minimalist design can incorporate color, animation, and even decorative fonts, as long… Continue Reading →
Welcome to our latest toolkit collection. As always, we’ve aimed for a range of apps, utilities, and services to help make life a little easier for designers, and for developers too. And, of course, what would a November collection be… Continue Reading →
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