Welcome to November’s new sites collection. Minimalism continues to be a dominant trend among well designed websites, but it is clear that minimal does not mean visually dull. Minimalist design can incorporate color, animation, and even decorative fonts, as long… Continue Reading →
Welcome to our latest toolkit collection. As always, we’ve aimed for a range of apps, utilities, and services to help make life a little easier for designers, and for developers too. And, of course, what would a November collection be… Continue Reading →
Something we’re seeing more and more of is the ‘customizable’ site. Most often, this means a button to swap between dark and light themes, but the options are starting to get increasingly sophisticated. In this set, we have dark and… Continue Reading →
We’ve got goodies for designers, developers, SEO-ers, content managers, and those of you who wear multiple hats. And, of course, it wouldn’t be October without a Halloween themed font. Enjoy! Feeedy Feeedy is a notes app that offers the convenience… Continue Reading →
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